Ashish Gandhi is one of the actors who has proved himself by acting in a unique movie like 'Natakam'. With another suspense thriller, titled Director, Ashish is all set to entertain the audience. A...Continue reading
'Rudrangi' is the title of an upcoming action drama starring Ashish Gandhi in an action-driven role. The actor's first look poster has him holding a double-barrel gun and looking intently. The mak...Continue reading
Speaking at the trailer launch event, director Veerabhadram Chowdhary said that the trailer is quite interesting and different. "I have learned that it has got a new concept. These days, the audien...Continue reading
'Rudrangi' is the title of an upcoming action drama starring Ashish Gandhi in an action-driven role. The film features Jagapathi Babu as an evil-minded, savage and cruel aristocrat. The news is th...Continue reading
Ashish Gandhi of 'Natakam' fame awaits the release of his movie 'Director'. Today, the makers revealed the release date. The drama will hit the cinemas on March 18. A suspense thriller, 'Director'...Continue reading
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