'KA' is heading to theatres on October 31. The film, directed by the Sujith-Sandeep duo, is headlined by Kiran Abbavaram. The period action thriller has a commonality with Sharwanand's 'Oke Oka Jee...Continue reading
Sharvanand and Surabhi starrer ‘Express Raja’ has caught much attention from audience, filmgoers and industry as well before the release itself. Lover Boy Sharwanand who recently got his commercial...Continue reading
Producer TG Vishwa Prasad’s People Media Factory is gearing up for the release of 'Manamey', a romantic drama starring Sharwanand as Vikram Adittya and Krithi Shetty as the heroine. This love...Continue reading
In August last year, a bilingual was announced with Sharwanand and Ritu Varma of 'Pelli Choopulu' fame as the lead pair. Directed by newcomer Sri Karthik, the film was being made in Telugu and Tami...Continue reading
'Samajavaragamana' director Ram Abbaraju is scheduled to wield the megaphone for a film led by Sharwanand. The 'Shatamanam Bhavathi' actor must be thrilled about the union. As per some media repor...Continue reading
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