'Balagam' hits the cinemas on March 3. In three weeks, it arrived on OTT in three languages (read Telugu, Tamil, and Malayalam). Amazon Prime Video started streaming the box-office hit on Thursday...Continue reading
Priyadarshi has been around since the days of 'Pelli Choopulu' (2016). As a male lead, he landed 'Mithai' and 'Mallesham' in the pre-Covid era. The former was a disaster, while the latter was criti...Continue reading
The movie 'Mail' which was released on the OTT platform- Aha has achieved a rare feat. The movie Mail is all set to get premiered at the Newyork Indian Film Festival. The Newyork Indian Film Festi...Continue reading
'Darling' stars Priyadarshi in the role of a 'bharya bhadhithudu'. Henpecked/harassed male lead is a stock character revived in recent times by Anil Ravipudi's 'F2' and 'F3'. 'Darling', though, do...Continue reading
'Mail', directed by Uday Gurrala, is produced by Swapna Productions. The OTT platform Aha is releasing it as a Sankranthi special. A dramedy, this one has Priyadarshi as the hero. Harshith Reddy, t...Continue reading
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