'Cinema Bandi' is an upcoming movie to be premiered on Netflix from May 14. The news is that a song titled 'Cinema Teesinam' from the indie flick is out. Composed by Varun Reddy, the rap has been r...Continue reading
'Pelli Choopulu' director Tharun Bhascker recently announced a movie titled 'Keedaa Cola'. To be released in 2023, the crime comedy is currently in the pre-production phase. In a first, the 'Ee Na...Continue reading
Victory Venkatesh is presently shooting for Venky Mama. The actor delivered a hit film F2 this year and is riding high on its success. Many offers have come to his door step, but he is taking time ...Continue reading
Vijay Deverakonda's first production Meeku Maathrame Cheptha has finished its Censor certification. The film was given a UA certificate by the board. No cuts were suggested. Meeku Maathrame Chepth...Continue reading
'Panchatantra Kathalu' is an upcoming movie fronted by Noel and Nandhini Rai. Also featuring Sai Ronak, Praneeta Patnaik, Nihal Kodhaty, Sadiya, and Ajay Kathurvar, the film is written and directed...Continue reading
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