Megastar Chiranjeevi unveiled a peppy number from Sudheer Babu's upcoming movie 'Sridevi Soda Center'. The movie stars Sudheer Babu in a mass avatar. Sudheer Kumar took to his social media to thank...Continue reading
"Now that's the 'Hunt' I am talking about.. unlike anything I have done or anyone have done before! (sic)," wrote Sudheer Babu, unveiling the teaser of his upcoming movie. The Nitro Star has been c...Continue reading
It's known that Sudheer Babu's 'HUNT' is heading to the theatres on January 26. Renaud Favero and Bryan Viger of the Marvel universe and 'John Wick 4' fame have worked on the actioner as stunt mast...Continue reading
Sudheer Babu is one of the actors in Telugu, who has been playing unique roles to entertain the audience. His upcoming movie titled 'Sreedevi Soda Center' is under making and the makers have a surp...Continue reading
‘Mosagallaku Mosagadu’ starring Sudheer Babu as the lead, is in the final stage of post-production works. It is being made as a sequel to ‘Swami Ra Ra’. Nandini is playing the female lead role. Cha...Continue reading
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