Megastar Chiranjeevi has donated Rs 1 Cr to the Telugu States, which are reeling under the effect of floods. "The hardships caused to the people due to the effects of the flood in the Telugu States...Continue reading
Actor Vishwak Sen is in the news for all the wrong reasons ahead of the theatrical release of his family entertainer, 'Ashoka Vanamlo Arjuna Kalyanam', on May 6. Ever since the prank where a YouTub...Continue reading
'Mukhachitram', starring Vikas Vasishta, Priya Vadlamani and others, has got Vishwak Sen in the role of a lawyer. The news is that the drama has locked its OTT release date. Aha Video today said t...Continue reading
'Gangs of Godavari' has been postponed again. After two postponements, it has now witnessed the third one. The film will now hit the cinemas on May 31 and NOT May 17. "After five years, Vishwak Se...Continue reading
Vishwak Sen is going to witness a series of releases in the coming 12-15 months. On March 8, his much-delayed 'Gaami' will arrive at the cinemas. The film has him in the role of an Aghora who speak...Continue reading
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