'Rakshasudu', the psychological thriller, was released in 2019. Directed by Ramesh Varma, it was produced by educationalist Koneru Satyanarayana of KL University. The director-producer duo later co...Continue reading
The trailer for 'Khiladi' is out. The Ramesh Varma directorial will be released in theatres on February 11. Ravi Teja has done both comedy and action in good measure in the action drama. The trail...Continue reading
'Khiladi', starring Ravi Teja and directed by Ramesh Varma, is looking at exploiting the Hindi market now. The film's Hindi-dubbed release rights have reportedly been bought by Pen Marudhar, the di...Continue reading
'Khiladi' directed by Ramesh Varma and starring Ravi Teja is going to release in theatres on May 28. The film of the 'Rakshasudu' director and 'Krack' hero is one of the last Summer releases of the...Continue reading
Ramesh Varma is a director who gave many films of which 'Oka Oorilo', 'Veera' and 'Abbayitho Ammayi' were flops and Nani starrer 'Ride' was a hit. Presently he is making a film with Bellamkonda Sai...Continue reading
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