'Rakshasudu', the psychological thriller, was released in 2019. Directed by Ramesh Varma, it was produced by educationalist Koneru Satyanarayana of KL University. The director-producer duo later co...Continue reading
Director Ramesh Varma Penmetsa, who delivered a box-office hit in the form of 'Rakshasudu' in 2019, has taken up a mystical thriller this time. Titled 'Sivoham', its announcement poster is intrigui...Continue reading
Khiladi is a comedy and power packed action entertainer with all emotions. It's USA Premieres on Feb 10. Here's the US Schedule and Theaters list. Overseas release by Fly High Cinemas. ...Continue reading
Vijay Sethupathi is one of the busiest actors in India. From Bollywood to Kollywood, the critically acclaimed actor has many films in his pipeline. Now, the latest buzz is that Vijay Sethupathi ha...Continue reading
Mass Maharaja Ravi Teja, who recently entertained the audience with his movie 'Krack', is gearing up to give his fans non-stop entertainment. Ravi Teja's upcoming action thriller titled 'Khiladi' ...Continue reading
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