Deva Katta has released the title and motion poster of his upcoming film revolving around the friendship and rivalry between Nara Chandrababu Naidu and late YS Rajasekhara Reddy. Titled &lsqu...Continue reading
Here is an uncompromising actor who always aims to leave lasting impact in his films as an actor. When Devkatta’s asked Vishnu Manchu to pierce the ear for his role in the forthcoming film. Vishnu ...Continue reading
The beautiful Samantha is playing the role of a village girl in her upcoming film ‘Autonagar Surya’. The film stars Naga Chaitanya as male lead. Critically acclaimed director Deva Katta is going ...Continue reading
Deva Katta’s ‘Authonagar Surya’ is presently progressing in Ramoji Film City. Raju Sundaram is choreographing a song on Naga Chaitanya and Samantha. Naga Chaitanya is playing the title role and w...Continue reading
Sai Dharam Tej-starrer 'Republic' was released on ZEE5 as a post-theatrical outing a few weeks ago. It has clocked millions of viewing minutes since then. 'Oka Chinna Family Story', a five-episode ...Continue reading
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