MAA (Movie Artists Association) is going to start Anti-Drug Walk on July 30 at 7 a.m. against drugs. Today, MAA President Shivaji Raja and general secretary Naresh went to Excise minister Padmarao&...Continue reading
'Jaitra' is an upcoming movie starring Sunny Naveen and Rohini Rachel in the lead. Thota Mallikharjuna has directed the movie. Produced by Suresh Kondeti and Allam Subash, the film recently complet...Continue reading
As known to all the latest film to be presented by Suresh Kondeti’s S K Pictures is ‘Pizza’, a romantic thriller. This movie was directed by Karthik Subbaraju in Tamil which turned out to be a s...Continue reading
Suresh Kondeti, known for bringing films like 'Premisthe', 'Shopping Mall', 'Journey', 'Nanna' etc., based on real life stories to the Telugu audiences and exhibited his taste for films, is set to ...Continue reading
Suresh kondeti, who gave us many marvels like ‘Premisthe’, ‘Shopping Mall’, ‘Journey’ and ‘Pizza’, is bringing yet another masterpiece ‘Janatha...Continue reading
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