Mass movies director B Gopal, who presented successful mass movies with star heroes like Chiranjeevi, Balakrishna and Mohan Babu, is presently directing Gopichand. This action and family entertaine...Continue reading
Gopi Chand and Nayanatara as the lead pair, the movie Aaradugula Bullet is directed by B Gopal. The movie is touted to be an action entertainer and is prepping up for its grand release soon. Aarad...Continue reading
'Na Venta Paduthunna Chinnadevadamma' is an upcoming Telugu title headlined by Tej Kurapati, Akhila Aakarshana and Kalpana Reddy. Also featuring Tanikella Bharani, Jeeva and others, the film is dir...Continue reading
Action hero Gopichand starrer high voltage mass action entertainer ‘Aaradugula Bullet’ is one of the most awaited films of the year. The film was earlier scheduled to be released in the...Continue reading
'Siddhapur Agraharam' is the title of the debut movie of Paruchuri Sudarshan, who is the grandson of Paruchuri Venkateswara Rao. The film was launched today by producers Vasu Tirumala and Usha Siva...Continue reading
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