Young director Anil Ravipudi, who has had a dream start to his Tollywood career, is all set to direct Nandamuri Balakrishna for his upcoming project. The director has also revealed that he narrated...Continue reading
'Bhagavanth Kesari' is slated to hit the cinemas on October 19. At an event in Hyderabad on Sunday, the makers sounded all the more confident about the Balakrishna-starrer's commercial success. Pr...Continue reading
In a recent interview, Anil Ravipudi suggested that the significant age difference between Telugu movie heroes and heroines has a social explanation. He gave the example of couples in previous gene...Continue reading
The video version of 'Mind Block' from 'Sarileru Neekevvaru' has registered a landmark number. It has successfully touched the 100-million mark on the Lahari YouTube channel. Rendered by rapper Bl...Continue reading
'Gaali Sampath', starring Sree Vishnu and Rajendra Prasad, is currently in the production phase. Presented and screenplayed by Anil Ravipudi, the film is directed by Anish. The news is that the dir...Continue reading
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