Vishwak Sen, ahead of the theatrical release of 'Ashoka Vanamlo Arjuna Kalyanam', argued with TV9's Devi Nagavalli over a prank video that courted huge controversy. In his latest interview, the 'HI...Continue reading
Attending an event on Monday, Vishwak Sen said that nobody has a clue how a pan-India hit can be delivered. He was talking about movies featuring non-superstars. "I am not wise enough to sit and m...Continue reading
If you are a Jr NTR fan, you would probably choose 'Simhadri', 'Aadhi', 'Temper' or even 'Aravindha Sametha' as your favourite. But Vishwak Sen, a known Tarak fan, has a peculiar pick. Naa Alludu, ...Continue reading
'Veyi Daruveyi' is the title of a new Sairam Shankar movie. Launched on Friday in the presence of Sharwanand, Allari Naresh and Vishwak Sen, the film has Yasha Shivakumar as the heroine. Directed b...Continue reading
Vishwak Sen, speaking at a press meet related to 'Gaami' on Wednesday, said that a few big individuals ("Oka naluguru pedda manushulu") should ideally endorse the movie. He probably has the likes o...Continue reading
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