'Family Star' is set to hit the cinemas on April 5. Dil Raju on Saturday revealed that the film will have a simultaneous release in Telugu and Tamil. The running time of the film is a good 160 minu...Continue reading
Actor Nithiin will start shooting for a film titled 'Thammudu' from next week. To be directed by Venu Sriram of 'Vakeel Saab' and 'MCA' fame, the project is bankrolled by Dil Raju. The film has bee...Continue reading
Nani's 31st outing will be bankrolled by DVV Danayya of DVV Entertainment and helmed by Vivek Athreya of 'Brochevarevarura' fame. Filled with thrills, chills, and fun, the film is titled 'Saripodha...Continue reading
Fidaa is a feel good entertainer starring Mega Prince Varun Tej who did versatile films such as Mukunda and Kanche earlier and this movie is produced by successful producer Dil Raju. Fidaa will be ...Continue reading
There was a news that director Maruthi and Sharwanand were teaming up for a film. This film will commence its shooting very soon. It has been titled Mahanubhavudu. News is that the film will go on ...Continue reading
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