A thriller titled 'KA' is Kiran Abbavaram's upcoming release. Starring Thanvi Ram and Nayan Sarika of 'AAY' fame as the female leads, the film is directed by the Sujith-Sandeep duo. Produced by Sri...Continue reading
Kiran Abbavaram, the hero of 'SR Kalyanamandapam', has joined hands with Clap Entertainment and Mythri Movie Makers for an entertainer to be helmed by newcomer Ramesh Kaduri. The project was launch...Continue reading
Kiran Abbavaram recently pulled off a box-office hit in the form of 'Vinaro Bhagyamu Vishnu Katha'. His 'Meter' will be released in theatres on April 7. On Thursday, a new project with him as the ...Continue reading
It is now uncontested that 'KA' is a declared blockbuster at the box office. The film, starring Kiran Abbavaram in the lead, has registered super-strong numbers in its first week. It was released i...Continue reading
'Sebastian PC 524' was released this Friday. The comedy-thriller reportedly witnessed utterly poor turnout right from the first day, first show. 'Aadavaalu Meeku Johaarlu' has given it a tough comp...Continue reading
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