Director Sailesh Kolanu shot to fame with the 'HIT' franchise in recent years. The young filmmaker has joined the sets of Ram Charan's 'Game Changer' as a second-unit director. Since director Shan...Continue reading
'HIT: The 2nd Case' features Adivi Sesh as a cop named KD. As the actor turned a year older today, its glimpse was released. Presented by Natural Star Nani on Wall Poster Cinema, the film is a mur...Continue reading
Nowadays, if a film is wow for 20-30 minutes, it becomes a roaring box-office hit. 'Kantara' had an excellent 40-minute stretch. Otherwise, the rest of the film was not out of the world. It became ...Continue reading
In a particular shot in the trailer for 'Saindhav', a bullet shot into the mouth of a male person literally exits from his bum. Is there any logic to this? Or, is this just director Sailesh Kolanu ...Continue reading
The title and glimpse video of Venkatesh's 75th movie is out. Titled 'Saindhav', the glimpse is a 2-minute-long action-driven one with minimal dialogue. The story is set in a port city somewhere in...Continue reading
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