Vijay Deverakonda, the presenter, has unveiled the release promo of 'Pushpaka Vimanam'. The comedy thriller, starring Anand Deverakonda in the lead, will be released in theatres on November 12 (Fri...Continue reading
'Baby', which is set to hit the cinemas on July 14, has been described by its makers as an emotional, unique love story. Starring Anand Deverakonda, Vaishnavi Chaitanya and Viraj Ashwin, the triang...Continue reading
'RX 100', which hit the cinemas in 2018, was a sleeper hit. The twist involving Payal Rajput's dangerous character was an absolute stunner. It is only because of that film that its director Ajay Bh...Continue reading
Anand Deverakonda doesn't agree with those who argue that Vijay Deverakonda is arrogant or hot-headed. His off-screen attitude is openly castigated by trolls. How does the 'Baby' actor see his bro...Continue reading
Anand Deverakonda's upcoming movie 'Pushpaka Vimaanam' has grabbed a decent hype around. As the movie is readying for its release soon, the makers have planned it big to unveil the trailer of the m...Continue reading
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