'Maama Mascheendra', directed by Harshavardhan, is the title of an upcoming movie starring Sudheer Babu. On Wednesday, the makers unveiled the lead man's obese look from the entertainer. Durga is t...Continue reading
'Mama Maschindra', directed by Harshavardhan, is the title of an upcoming movie starring Sudheer Babu. The multi-genre film has got the 'Aa Ammayi Gurinchi Meeku Cheppali' and 'V' actor in a triple...Continue reading
Before the release of 'Kalki 2898 AD', Telugu filmmakers are flooding the box-office with small releases, for there exists little space from June 27th (the release date of 'Kalki 2898 AD') till abo...Continue reading
‘Swamy Ra Ra’ is a special film to Lakshmi Narasimha Entertainments, due to the audience’s appreciations and the critical acclaims. Now the same banner launched an untitled film featuring Sudhee...Continue reading
‘Mosagallaku Mosagadu’ starring Sudheer Babu as the lead and Nandini as the female lead, is all set for release on May 21. Right now, post-production works are at final stage. It is being made as a...Continue reading
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