Parari is the title of an out-and-out romantic comedy film produced by Sri Shankara Arts. Presented by Gali Pratyusha, the film is headlined by newcomer Yogeshwaar. Directed by Sai Sivaji, this GVV...Continue reading
'Reddygarintlo Rowdyism' stars debutant Raman in the lead. Yesteryear hero Vinod Kumar is its antagonist. Produced by K Sirisha Ramana Reddy, the film is jointly directed by M Ramesh and Gopi. Vars...Continue reading
Anil and Sruthi Laya as hero and heroine respectively, MN Bairareddy and Nagaraju are jointly producing a film ‘Prema Bhiksha’ under Om Sri Creations banner with RK Gandhi as director. ...Continue reading
'Nuvve Naa Praanam' is an upcoming movie produced by Varun Krishna Films. 'Love Tests Life' is its caption. Producer Seshudevarao Malisetti and director Sri Krishna Malisetti today hosted its pre-r...Continue reading
Actor Suman as the hero of the movie Peddintalludu was directed by Sarath. The movie Peddintalludu was released on this day in the year 1991. The movie introduced actress Nagma as the female ...Continue reading
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