Vijay starrer Adhirindi is gearing up for a grand release this Deepavali. This film is made in Tamil and has been dubbed in Telugu. Initially there were doubts about this film releasing as the Tami...Continue reading
The other day, at an event related to 'Kanguva', a Tamil actor named Bose Venkat urged Suriya to take on a political career. Bose Venkat is a pro-DMK man. In his speech, he obliquely suggested that...Continue reading
The Telugu version of Vijay's 'Theri' is going to release as 'Policeodu'. The movie is getting ready for a grand release this week in the Telugu states. The film has been given a U certificate by ...Continue reading
Vijay starrer Mersal has already turned out to be the biggest blockbuster in Tamil film industry in 2017 and it’s also one of the highest grossing Tamil films of all time with a total gross o...Continue reading
Thalapathy Vijay's 'Leo' is slated to hit the cinemas on October 19. As per a trade report, the film needs to gross Rs 400 Cr for it to achieve break-even in Tamil, Telugu and other non-Hindi...Continue reading
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