'Mithai', a dark and surreal comedy, is directed by debutant Prashant Kumar. The film stars Kamal Kamaraju, Ravi Varma, Rahul Ramakrishna, Priyadarshi, and others. The unit has successfully wrappe...Continue reading
Movie’ Father - Andari kosam’, made under the banner of Navdeep Film Creative has won the best Jury Best Childrens movie Award & film’s Child artist Chinmay Deshakar ( Best Dramebaaz Fame) has ...Continue reading
A message oriented entertainment movie ‘Father’ has completed all formalities and is ready for release on April 24. The film is produced by Raja Pachghare and directed by Jagadish Vatharkar under N...Continue reading
Sekhar Suri’s suspense thriller ‘Aravind 2’ starring ‘Ee Rojullo’ fame Sree, Kamal Kamaraju, Madhavi Latha, Adonica, Avasarala Srinivas and others is ready for release on March 29th. However, Kama...Continue reading
'Sodara Sodarimanulara...', coming with the caption 'Sisters and Brothers, features 'Arjun Reddy' fame Kamal Kamaraju in the lead. Aparna Devi has a key role in it. The first look of the Raghupath...Continue reading
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