Mahesh Babu’s much awaited film ‘Bharath Ane Nenu’ shoot is progressing at a rapid pace. We all know that super hit films producer DVV Danayya is producing a huge budget film &lsq...Continue reading
Mahesh Babu has already announced that he will be taking a long break after the release of Sarileru Neekevvaru. The film has released and is doing well. Now Mahesh Babu will leave to the US for a ...Continue reading
Mahesh Babu is still on a holiday with his family at a foreign location. Back in India all pre-production work of his next film is being made. This will be Mahesh Babu's 25th film. This film will ...Continue reading
Mahesh Babu has stepped out of his house and walked into Annapurna Studios on Wednesday to shoot for an ad. Apparently, he has been enlisted for a commercial by Flipkart, the e-commerce giant. A w...Continue reading
The first song of Bharath Ane Nenu is out and it has already become a massive hit. There is no stopping this song now as it has become a massive hit. Already the song has clinched five million clic...Continue reading
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