Sunil and Dhanraj as the lead actors, the upcoming movie "Bujji Ilaa Raa" is being directed by 'Garudavega' fame Anji. Bujji Ilaa Raa has the tagline ‘It’s A Psychological Thrille...Continue reading
Golden Star Sunil-director K Kranthi Madhav’s hilarious entertainer ‘Ungarala Rambabu’ has wrapped up shooting part and at present dubbing works are in brisk progress. The m...Continue reading
'Cheddi Gang Tamasha' is the title of an upcoming entertainer produced by Abuja Entertainments Private Limited and Srileela Entertainment. Headlined by Venkat Kalyan, the film is directed by the he...Continue reading
Sunil was once upon time famous for his comedy. Then he made a disastrous decision of trying his hand in lead roles. Most of his films bombed. Now he is trying his luck again in comedy. Sunil and ...Continue reading
Ranga is the leader for the loafers in Warangal centre. Ranga is a loafer who falls in love with a girl named Anitha and from then onwards often dreams about her. Who is this Anitha and what is h...Continue reading
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