The trailer for 'Konda' was unveiled at an event held on Wednesday. The film, directed by Ram Gopal Varma, is a biopic of Konda Murali and Konda Surekha. Speaking on the occasion, Murali said that...Continue reading
'Katha Kanchiki Manam Intiki' is a horror-comedy starring Thrigun (previously known as Adith Arun) and Pujitha Ponnada in the lead. Its trailer was released today. As per the makers, the trailer h...Continue reading
'WWW' has started streaming on SonyLiv. The makers today unveiled separate posters for each of the main characters to introduce them to the viewers. Adith Arun is Vishwa, while 'Adbhutham' actress...Continue reading
Arun Adith awaits the release of 'Dear Megha' on September 3. It's one of the most important releases for the actor. As someone who has no film background, the actor has his task cut out. "I...Continue reading
The pre-release event of 'Dear Megha' was held on Sunday evening ahead of the film's theatrical release on September 3. Here are the highlights of the speeches delivered by the cast and crew, and t...Continue reading
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