A terrific horror film titled ‘O Stree Repu Raa’ that features Ashish Gandhi, Vamsi Krisna Konduri, Kunal Koushik, Deeksha Panth, Sruthi Mol and Manali Rathod in the lead roles, is being made under...Continue reading
SkyHigh Movies Inc , seasoned distributor in overseas, proudly announces that they have acquired the Entire overseas theatrical rights of Nikhil's upcoming crime comedy thriller ‘Sankarabharanam’ ...Continue reading
‘Banthipoola Janaki’ has completed the shooting part and presently post-production works are progressing at a rapid pace. The film features Dhanraj, Deeksha Panth, Mounika, Shakalaka Shankar, Chamm...Continue reading
Kalvakuntla Tejeswar Rao is producing a film ‘She’ that features Swetha Menon, Mahat Raghavendra, Chetana Uttej and Sonia Agarwal in the lead roles. The film which is being directed by Parsa Ramesh...Continue reading
Nagarjuna’s latest bumper hit ‘Soggade Chinni Nayana’ which has shaken the box office record by earning the share of over Rs 53 Crores, has completed 50 days successful run in 110 centres and runni...Continue reading
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