Samantha is currently shooting an ad for Dabur in Mumbai despite her busy shooting schedules. The actress wrapped up the shooting for ‘Manam’ in Hyderabad recently and is on a holiday break. She...Continue reading
Generally we see that once the film is released it gets trimmed. This happened with the recently released Mahesh Babu starrer Brahmotsavam and some more films. But the converse is happening in ...Continue reading
South siren Samantha Akkineni has resumed the shooting of Gunasekhar’s Shaakuntalam. Touted to be an epic love story, the periodic film will see the Manam actress essay the role of Shakuntala...Continue reading
That Samantha and Naga Chaitanya are in love and will be getting married soon is old news. The love birds will bind into matrimony early 2017. Akkineni family has accepted Samantha and she is bondi...Continue reading
Sharwanand starrer 96 has finished a major schedule of the film, which was shot abroad. The makers say that all major portions of the shoot are complete. There are some scenes with Samantha and so...Continue reading
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