Sai Ronak, who was most recently seen in the crime comedy 'Raajayogam', is gearing up for the theatrical release of 'Popcorn' on February 10. The movie's trailer was today released at an event in H...Continue reading
Raju Gari Gadhi 3 trailer has been released. It showcases that the film has come good horror elements and scary moments. Ashwin Babu and Avika Gor play the lead role in this film. This is the thi...Continue reading
Tamannnaah was supposed to play the lead role in 'Raju Gari Gadhi 3'. She was even present at the launch event. But later, she was replaced by Avika Gor. It was rumoured that the 'Sye Raa Narasimha...Continue reading
'10th Class Diaries', directed by 'Garuda Vega' Anji, stars Srikanth and others. Anji has previously worked as a cinematographer for movies made by the likes of Ram Gopal Varma and Dasari Narayana ...Continue reading
The makers of ‘Cinema Choopistha Mava’ starring ‘Uyyala Jampala’ duo Raj Tarun-Avika Gor, are making preparation for a grand audio launch. Audio composed by Sekhar Chandra w...Continue reading
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