Ajay Bhupathi, the director of 'RX 100' fame, today spoke at a presser a day after the release of his thriller 'Mangalavaaram'. Speaking on the occasion, he blasted a film reviewer. "I had request...Continue reading
Aadi Saikumar-starrer 'Tees Maar Khan', starring Payal Rajput and Sunil in other pivotal roles, is gearing up for a theatrical release. The Kalyanji Gogana-directed movie is a stylish cop action dr...Continue reading
‘RX 100’ which hit the screens as a small film is creating sensation at the box office. The film starring Payal Rajput and Karthikeya under the direction of Ajay Bhupathi became a block...Continue reading
Director Veerabhadram and producer Dr. Nagam Tirupathi Reddy have teamed up for a crime thriller, whose title was announced today. 'Kirathaka' is its name and Aadi Sai Kumar is the protagonist. Pay...Continue reading
'Ginna', produced by AVA Entertainment and 24 Frames Factory, will head to theatres in October. Its teaser launch event was held on Friday. Speaking on the occasion, Manchu Vishnu, who plays a sma...Continue reading
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