Nikhil's film has been re-titled. It will now be known as 'Arjun Suravaram'. Earlier the film was titled as 'Mudra'. This film is based on a Tamil hit. Nikhil plays the role of a journalist in this...Continue reading
The pandemic completely paralyzed the Indian film industry in the year 2020. In 2021, Tollywood was the only major film industry that minted movie releases throughout the year (barring May, June an...Continue reading
Varun Tej's next release has got a new release date. The film which was to release on 13th April will now be coming to theatres on 14th April a day later. Why this delay by a day we have no c...Continue reading
Young hero Allu Sirish who is picking different subjects has teamed up with Lavanya Tripathi for a pure family entertainer film Srirasthu Subhamasthu being helmed by Parasuram (Bujji), known for sh...Continue reading
'Puli-Meka' is the title of an upcoming Zee5 web series starring Lavanya Tripathi, Aadi Saikumar and Suman in key roles. Directed by K Chakravarthy Reddy, the series is a crime thriller. The launch...Continue reading
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