'Mangalavaaram' was released in theatres five days ago. On Tuesday, at a grand event attended by Vishwak Sen as the chief guest, the team did something nobody would have expected them to. A twist t...Continue reading
Everyone thought a new actress had arrived with that astounding performance in RX100. She created magic in that film. But all that vanished with the film RDX Love. There was too much of exposing in...Continue reading
Looks like Payal Rajput is still a child when it comes to medical things. The 'RX 100' actress screamed and urged the lab technician to take her swab sample slowly. It was just a five-second proces...Continue reading
RX100 fame actress Payal Rajput unveiled the title logo of 'Sri Sai Venkateswara Cine Creations' first production earlier today. Titled as 'Sound' (captioned as - Multibrand), the film features n...Continue reading
'RX 100', which hit the cinemas in 2018, was a sleeper hit. The twist involving Payal Rajput's dangerous character was an absolute stunner. It is only because of that film that its director Ajay Bh...Continue reading
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