On Friday, a stylish pic of Allu Arjun was released by his team from the sets of an Ad he had shot earlier in the week in Harish Shankar's collaboration. The pic has Bunny in a macho look. The brai...Continue reading
South siren Rashmika Mandanna, who was last seen in the Tamil movie Sulthan, is spinning the wheel as a star heroine in Telugu, giving tough competition to other beauties in the industry. Th...Continue reading
Star actress Rashmika Mandanna is going to be seen in 'Top Tucker', a music video she has brought out in collaboration with Sandalwood composer Badshah. Its short teaser has the 'Bheeshma' actress ...Continue reading
Dulquer Salmaan, Mrunal Thakur, Rashmika Mandanna's unpredictable refreshing movie 'Sita Ramam', is all set for a release on August 5, it's USA Premieres on August 4th. Here's the US Schedule and T...Continue reading
'Padi Padi Leche Manasu', 'Ranarangam', 'Jaanu', 'Sreekaram', 'Maha Samudram'. Five flops in less than three years. 'Aadavallu Meeku Johaarlu' was the kind of genre Sharwa badly needed. 'Shatamanam...Continue reading
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