It's known that director Mohanakrishna Indraganti, after 'V', is making a film with Sudheer Babu as the hero. Titled 'Aa Ammayi Gurinchi Meeku Cheppali', the film is in the news because of the birt...Continue reading
It's known that 'Shyam Singha Roy' will head to the theatres on December 24. Starring Nani in the lead, the film has Sai Pallavi and Krithi Shetty as the heroines. The news is that a pre-release e...Continue reading
Young and talented actor Nithiin is gearing up to cater another entertaining story, as he has zeroed an interesting movie. With his 'Maestro' gearing up for a release, the actor is now to romance '...Continue reading
It's known that Krithi Shetty is the female lead of 'Aa Ammayi Gurinchi Meeku Cheppali', which is fronted by Sudheer Babu. Director Mohankrishna Indraganti has chosen her for a full-fledged role in...Continue reading
Ram Pothineni-Linguswamy's High Octane action entertainer The Warriorr, is all set for a release on July 14, it's USA Premieres on July 13th. Here's the US Schedule and Theaters List. It's Overseas...Continue reading
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