Bollywood’s film Hunterr’s Telugu remake has got its title. This Srinivas Avasarala starrer will be known as ‘Babu Baga Busy’. In this film Srinivas Avasarala will be seen as a sex addict. The make...Continue reading
'Duster 1212' tells the story of what happened in the life of a Hyderabad-based techie. Starring 'Gaddalakonda Ganesh' fame Atharvaa, Mishti Chakraborthy, Anaika Soti, Karunakaran, John Vijay, Deva...Continue reading
'O Saathiya', which stars newcomer Aryan Gowra and Mishti Chakravarty, is directed by Divya Bhavana and produced by Chandana Katta of Thanvika Jashwika Creations. Its trailer was released today at ...Continue reading
The other day, a breakup anthem titled 'Ori Vaari' from 'Dasara' was out. Here is another breakup anthem in less than a week. The heartbreak anthem is from an upcoming movie titled 'O Saathiya', w...Continue reading
'O Saathiya', which stars newcomer Aryan Gowra and Mishti Chakravarty, is in the final stages of post-production. Touted to be a beautiful love story, the film is directed by Divya Bhavana and prod...Continue reading
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