A terrific horror film titled ‘O Stree Repu Raa’ that features Ashish Gandhi, Vamsi Krisna Konduri, Kunal Koushik, Deeksha Panth, Sruthi Mol and Manali Rathod in the lead roles, is being made under...Continue reading
Hilarious entertainer 'Banthipoola Janaki' that starred Dhanraj and Deeksha Panth and Jabardasth team, has wrapped up all formalities and is all set to release on August 26. Audio of the film, whic...Continue reading
The terrific horror entertainer ‘O Sthree Repu Raa’ is coming to the audience on March 11. The film that features Ashish Gandhi, Vamsi Krisna Konduri, Kunal Koushik, Diksha Panth, Sruthi Mol and Ma...Continue reading
King Nagarjuna’s ‘Soggade Chinni Nayana’ minted 50 Crores share from AP/T and stood as 2016 Sankranti blockbuster. The film which was made with just Rs 15 Crores, has created sensation by collectin...Continue reading
Censor formalities related to horror comedy entertainer ‘Maya Mall’ have been completed and received ‘U/A’ certificate. The film unit is planning to release the film worldwi...Continue reading
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