Adah Sharma's 'Question Mark', a thriller directed by Vipra, is produced by Gouri Krishna. Shot in the jungles of Hyderabad and Maharajapuram, the film is in the news for a good reason. The makers...Continue reading
The Teaser for 'Kalki' was released on Wednesday as the clock struck 10 hours, 10 minutes and 10 seconds. The viewers have been spellbound by the elements in the breathtaking teaser. Ancient stru...Continue reading
A number of actresses were considered for the role but the zeroed in on Adah because of her dancing skills. The 24 year old actress who has been setting the screen on fire in her judging act for n...Continue reading
Rajasekhar stars as an investigative officer in Kalki, which is presented by Shivani and Shivathmika and Vinod Kumar of White Lamb Talkies. Producer C Kalyan is prestigiously producing the action ...Continue reading
Commando girl Adah Sharma is currently one of the most popular young actresses on Instagram. She's very hot and super cute and very creative! Apart from being a phenomenal actress from 1920 to Comm...Continue reading
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