‘Odela RailwayStation’, produced by KK Radha Mohan of Sri Sathya Sai Arts, is written by Sampath Nandi. Directed by debutant Ashok Teja, Vasishta Simha is its hero. A crime thriller, th...Continue reading
'Narappa', produced by Suresh Productions Pvt Ltd and V Creations, stars Venkatesh and is directed by Sreekanth Addala. D Suresh Babu and Kalaippuli S Thanu, the producers of the action drama, toda...Continue reading
Actress Priyamani, known for commercial entertainers like 'Ragada', has said that Bollywood celebrities pay photographers who click them outside gyms and at airports. She is the first southern actr...Continue reading
National award winning actress Priyamani and Deepak of ‘Sampangi’, ‘Premalo Pavani Kalyan’ and Arundhati’ fame have paired up for the film titled ‘Anguleeka’. Prem Aaryan is directing the film and...Continue reading
Prime Minister Narendra Modi was today in Jammu to address a political rally. On the occasion, he said that the Hindi movie 'Article 370', which is going to hit the cinemas on February 23, will hel...Continue reading
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