'Month Of Madhu' hit the cinemas on October 6. At the film's presser a day after its release, director Srikanth Nagothi and actress Swathi Reddy hit out at those reviewers who had "lazily" panned t...Continue reading
Swathi earned good name and recognition by choosing good concept films and with selective roles which have ample scope to perform. She, who’s is tasting consecutive successes in Telugu with th...Continue reading
It is but quite natural that actresses become popular in neighbourhood film industries rather than their own native land. In this line, pretty young lady Swathi, who tasted success in Tamil, has n...Continue reading
'Panchathantram', which is headlined by a bunch of actors ranging from Brahmanandam, Swathi Reddy, Shivathmika Rajasekhar and Samuthirakani to Rahul Vijay, has completed its shooting. Today, markin...Continue reading
The makers of 'Bangaru Kodipetta' gets creative with the following promos to keep the film buffs interested in their film. With Navdeep and Swathi in lead roles and fight master Ram-Lakshman in ke...Continue reading
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