Hansika Motwani tied the knot with her friend Sohael Khaturiya on December 4 last year. The wedding was a grand affair, complete with 'dhoom dham' involving relatives, guests, wedding planners, and...Continue reading
Energetic star Ram as hero, ‘Pandaga Chesko’ is being made under ‘United Movies’ banner with Paruchuri Kiriti of ‘Simha’ fame as producer and Paruchuri Prasad as presenter. Hat trick director G...Continue reading
We have already seen Mass Maharaj Ravi Teja as a police officer on screen in sensational hit ‘Vikramarkudu’ and we know how powerful Ravi Teja will be in a police uniform. Now, Ravi Teja is don...Continue reading
'105 Minutes' is an upcoming movie starring Hansika Motwani as the protagonist. The news is that it went on the floors today. A one-shot movie, it will be shot in real-time. Directed by Raju Dussa...Continue reading
For the first time in his career Ravi Teja will be sporting a new look, i.e., he will be seen as a cop in his upcoming film being directed by Bobby (dialogue writer of Balupu). Till date Ravi Teja...Continue reading
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