'Alaa Ninnu Cheri' is the title of an upcoming movie helmed by newcomer Maresh Shivan, who is also penning the film's story, screenplay and dialogues. Dinesh Tej of 'Hushaaru' fame is fronting it. ...Continue reading
Ever since the release of the theatrical trailer, there has been good buzz around 'Andhhagadu' and the aggressive promotions by the team have intensified it. The film is all set for a grand release...Continue reading
'Orey Bujjiga', starring Raj Tarun, Malavika Nair and Hebah Patel, released on Aha recently. The comedy-drama will now head to screens on January 1. This makes it the first theatrical release in 20...Continue reading
Raj Tarun’s next film has got its title. It will be known as ‘Andhhagadu’. Hebah Patel has been paired with Raj Tarun in this film. The title was announced by A K Entertainments who are producing t...Continue reading
Young Talented Hero Naga Anvesh teamed up with New filmmaker Bahubali palani for his second film titled Angel which is based on the comedy, action and socio fantasy script. The film boasts an ense...Continue reading
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