Young Talented Hero Naga Anvesh teamed up with New filmmaker Bahubali palani for his second film titled Angel which is based on the comedy, action and socio fantasy script. The film boasts an ense...Continue reading
"Renowned director, actor, producer and former Minister Dasari Narayana Rao, who holds the record for directing highest number of films, died in Hyderabad yesterday. We were extremely shocked by th...Continue reading
Varun Tej's Mister has got a release date. The film will be coming to the theatres on the 13th of April. Varun Tej has been paired with Lavanya and Hebbah Patel in this flick which is directed by S...Continue reading
‘Nanna Nenu Naa Boyfriend’, the film staring Hebah patel is slowly gathering momentum. The title has perked interest. Directed by Bhaskar Bandi a former associate of VV Vinayak, this film is produc...Continue reading
'Bhogi' is directed by Varun K and produced by Pradeep Chandra of PC Creations. A youthful entertainer with a suspenseful plot, the film is currently in the post-production phase. Actress Hebbah Pa...Continue reading
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