Aha Video is bringing to its patrons an out-and-out mystery thriller. Titled 'The Great Indian Suicide', this one will stream from October 5. During the show's promotions, Hebah Patel was to be in...Continue reading
Young and successful hero Nikhil’s supernatural thriller Ekkadiki Pothavu Chinnavada is turning out to be a milestone film for the actor. The film released last week is continuing to rake good coll...Continue reading
'Sandeham' is the title of an upcoming thriller starring Suman Vootkur and 'Kumari 21F' fame Hebah Patel in lead roles. 'Manase Marala Marala', the latest song from the soon-to-be-released movie, d...Continue reading
Beauty queen Hebah Patel and Naga Anvesh’s much hyped flick ‘Angel’ is hitting theaters on November 3. Ahead of its release, Hebah shared few words about her upcoming film. The ac...Continue reading
Hebah Patel is getting popular. Thanks to her latest release ‘Ekkadiki Pothavu Chinnavada’. Though she entered Tollywood with the film Ala Ela, it did not give her much success. It was with Kumari ...Continue reading
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