We all know that ‘Malupu’ is being made as a prestigious Telugu-Tamil bi-lingual film directed by renowned senior director Raviraja Pinisetty’s elder son Sathya Prabhas Pinisetty under their home b...Continue reading
Actor Aadhi’s recent outing “Malupu” is riding high at the ticket windows. With the positive word of mouth and encouraging reviews, the film impressed the Telugu audience with the unexpected twists...Continue reading
The team of “Malupu” is on cloud nine after bagging success in the Tollywood. Recently, the team celebrated the success at a gathering and now a special screening was arranged for the movie makers ...Continue reading
Currently Allu Sirish is busy shooting for a Malayalam film. This is his debut film in Malayalam and has been titled 1971. Sources say that Sirish will be sharing screen with Malayalam cine legend ...Continue reading
Hero Jiiva, who reached Telugu audience with the super hit film ‘Rangam’, is playing the lead role in a psychological thriller ‘Kee’ set in the backdrop of cybercrime. Nikki...Continue reading
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