Madhavan and Anushka are paired for the upcoming film under the direction of Kona Venkat. The film touted to be a silent thriller and is titled as ‘Silent’ under People Media Factory di...Continue reading
Anushka, who has had an impressive success ratio, enjoys getting under the skin of all her characters and always gives is different looks in each film. For her upcoming film ‘Bhagamati’, the actres...Continue reading
Suriya starrer Singham 3's shoot schedule is progressing briskly. Sources close to the sets say that the shooting of the film is almost nearing completion. The final schedule of the film will be sh...Continue reading
The lead stars of Baahubali Prabhas, Rana, Anushka and Tamannaah have chalked out plans for their next films. In fact, except Prabhas all others of this film were doing one film or the other while ...Continue reading
Venkatesh finally got his pair in the multi-starrer film ‘Seetamma Vakitlo Sirimalle Chettu’ costarring Mahesh Babu and Samantha. While the names of Trisha, Sneha and Bhumika were heard earlier, t...Continue reading
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