Actress Samantha will be joining the shooting sets of Deva Katta’s ‘Autonagar Surya’ from July 20th onwards. “Shooting from the 20th last 3 days of talkie portion of autonagar surya”, she mentioned...Continue reading
Samantha is riding high with consecutive hits at the box office and she has a series of interesting films lined up. One among them is ‘U Turn’ in which Samantha is playing the lead role...Continue reading
Samantha Ruth Prabhu has been taking alternative therapies for health issues lately. She is open to trying Ayurveda, Homeopathy, Accupunture, etc. The other day, the actress endorsed the inhalatio...Continue reading
An online campaign named #FilmIndustryWillNotTolerate has been floated by the Telugu film industry in the wake of a Telangana political leader making scandalous remarks about the divorce of the Nag...Continue reading
In 'Shaakuntalam', Samantha Ruth Prabhu plays a beautiful woman who is in for a roller-coaster ride. The film, produced by Neelima Guna, will head to the theatres on February 17. The news is that ...Continue reading
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