‘Yamaho Yama’ starring Sairam Shankar, Srihari, Parvathy Melton and Sanjjannaa in lead roles has successfully completed its shooting part. The film is directed by Y Jitender and produced by G Vija...Continue reading
We are just a week away from the season’s much awaited release ‘Srimannarayana’. Yes, producer Ramesh Puppala confirmed the release date as August 30th. The platinum disc function will be held on...Continue reading
As the release date (September 23rd) is nearing, the ‘Dhookudu’ unit is gearing up to complete the shooting part of the film. On the other hand, the post production works are also going on at a fa...Continue reading
Rib-tickling comedy entertainer ‘Yamaho Yamaha’ starring Srihari as Yama, Aali as Chitragupta, Sairam Shankar, Parvathy Melton and Sanjjanaa in prominent roles is coming to theaters to tickle your...Continue reading
The team of ‘Yamaho Yamaha’ has just celebrated its triple platinum disc function and is now eager to see the response of the audience for its film which is releasing on December 14th. On the same...Continue reading
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