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Maya Nelluri Art Exhibition at State Art Gallery

Dear Colleagues,

Thank you for attending the first showing of the Art Exhibition 'OIVT by Maya Nelluri (Me). At this point I would also like to extend a special thank you to Ajuli Tulsyan for all the help! For the purposes of this press-note, I will refer to myself in third person during the commentary below. All information about the guests who have attended will be mailed to you - please sign the Visitor's Book for the same, or contact Maya on 9703456605 or Ajuli on 7702800012.

Following is a commentary on the works displayed.

The exhibition encompassed an exquisite collection of 29 pieces which delve into the depths of mysticism to uncover if in fact duality is the essence of life. The paintings are deeply rooted in Hindu Spirituality with a Contemporary twist. The artworks were unique in their use of and treatment of the materials - Oil paints were combined with various supplies to give each artwork texture and distinctiveness.

The paintings included 7 Oil on Canvas pieces which took a literal symbolic approach to show duality. Take for example the Shiva-Vishnu, Lakshmi-Kaaii, Shiv-Shakti, or White-Black paintings. Another 7 miniature Oil paintings on card depicted the 5 elements which encapsulate the world - Bhumi, Jal, Pavan, Akash, Agni. They were split into opposing forces which were linked by the red circle of life. This Red Circle of Life was a continuing theme among all the paintings.

The next set of 7 paintings were Oil on chalk. These were distinctive both due to the usage of chalk and also the treatment of the theme. The Spiritual Symbols painted wrapped themselves around the entire chalk giving the audience a completely different view from every angle. This approach was taken to show the many perspectives that exist in life - duality may in fact be a simplification.

And finally, the Artist extended upon her previous exhibition by adding to the sketches of Shiva. These sketches were combined with Oil paints. Each art piece showed Shiva indulging in an activity, much like us humans. It was inspired by the song, "What if God was one of us," by Joan Osborne and takes a look at God from another point - forget duality and multiple perspectives - reality is far more complex - What if God was One of US? What if WE are the essence of fife?

The event also showcased a sneak-peak into Maya Nelluri's eBook "Style & Stars'. Parts of the book were condensed and displayed to give potential audiences a taste of what's to come. This project was started over 2 years ago with the author working tirelessly, intensely researching the history of Tolly wood to bring out this comprehensive discussion on the Story and Style of the Female Superstars that lit up Telugu Cinema Screens since the beginning of cinema.

While the book was written as a tribute to the Actresses who excelled in the Reel World, it also had a more pressing purpose. Maya wanted to do her bit to Help Women in the Real World. All the proceeds made through the pre-sales of the book (excepting the costs incurred) will be donated to worthy causes that support women from all walks of life. To purchase a copy of Style & Stars and do your bit to help women - please log on to

For more information on the Artist and Writer you can visit

Thank you once again for attending this event.

Kind Regards,
Maya Nelluri
NOTE: The exhibition ends on 28th Sunday at 6PM.
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State Art Gallery State Art Gallery State Art Gallery State Art Gallery State Art Gallery
State Art Gallery State Art Gallery State Art Gallery State Art Gallery State Art Gallery
State Art Gallery State Art Gallery State Art Gallery State Art Gallery State Art Gallery
State Art Gallery State Art Gallery State Art Gallery State Art Gallery State Art Gallery
State Art Gallery State Art Gallery State Art Gallery State Art Gallery State Art Gallery
State Art Gallery State Art Gallery State Art Gallery State Art Gallery State Art Gallery
State Art Gallery State Art Gallery State Art Gallery State Art Gallery State Art Gallery
State Art Gallery State Art Gallery State Art Gallery State Art Gallery State Art Gallery
State Art Gallery State Art Gallery State Art Gallery State Art Gallery State Art Gallery
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