The shooting of ‘Naa Ishtam’ is presently progressing at Ramoji Film City. Scenes involving Rana and Genelia are being canned at a pub set erected in RFC. This Rana-Genelia starrer is taking shap...Continue reading
The celebrities will now think more than twice before endorsing any product. Now a days there are instances of public pulling the celebrities to court if the product they are endorsing fails. The...Continue reading
Daggubati Rana and Genelia starrer ‘Naa Ishtam’ completed the shooting part except for a song. The film is taking shape in the hands of director Prakash Tholeti. Parachuri Kireeti is producing it...Continue reading
The unit of ‘Naa Ishtam’ starring Rana and Genelia wrapped up the shooting part. Sources claim that debut director Prakash Tholeti is portraying Rana in a never seen before role which means the au...Continue reading
‘Naa Ishtam’ is about a young guy who does the way he wants anything to be done. Prakash Tholeti is directing this film featuring Rana and Genelia as lead pair. Parachuri Kireeti is the producer....Continue reading
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