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Suresh Babu blames delayed star vehicles for theatre shut-down


It is known that single screens have been closed down in Telangana temporarily. Although the closure is for a two-week period, there are signs that the ongoing bout of distress will continue to affect the viability of single screens in Nizam territory.

In his latest interview, senior producer D Suresh Babu, who is himself an exhibitor with a chain of theatres in the Telugu States, has said that the sad state of affairs will adversely affect the revenue potential of movies in a massive way, considering that about 40 to 45% of theatrical revenue comes from the 400-odd theaters in the Nizam region, especially for star hero films. He opined that there is no option for many exhibitors but to turn their theatres into function halls, etc.

He then blamed the delay in the release of star vehicles. "We wish big stars do more films and revive theatre collections in the days to come, but they are doing just one film in a year or two years and sometimes even three years," Suresh Babu told Deccan Chronicle.