On Tuesday, a few film production houses based in Hyderabad came in for Income Tax-related raids. IT sleuths checked the books of Dil Raju's production house and the accounts of Mythri Movie Makers as well. As per some news reports, Dil Raju's wife, Tejaswini, was taken to a bank where lockers owned by her husband were checked. Also, veteran film financier Satya Rangaiah Prasad also came in for scrutiny, reports stated.
On Wednesday, director Sukumar became the target. IT raids have been held on his properties in Hyderabad. The filmmaker is said to have pocketed a share in profits on Pushpa 2: The Rule, his biggest-ever hit, which almost grossed Rs 1900 Cr worldwide.
Sukumar is also a producer, bankrolling small-scale projects on his banner, Sukumar Writings. His wife, Tabhitha Sukumar, has presented an indie film titled Gandhi Tatha Chettu, which stars their daughter Sukriti Veni as the protagonist. Although the ongoing raids have nothing directly related to this message-laden film, they have coincided with the theatrical release of the film on January 24.