A budding filmmaker named Varanasi Surya, who comes from a journalism background, has brought out a film titled 'Ganda'. Starring newcomers, the film is inspired by the concept of 'Zero Budget Poli...Continue reading
During a political rally on Tuesday, Pawan Kalyan claimed that he is receiving a payment of Rs 2 crore per day for his latest film, co-starring Sai Dharam Tej. The film is a remake of 'Vinodhaya Si...Continue reading
It’s officially confirmed that Samantha, one of the happening heroines in the South has been roped in to play the female lead role opposite powerstar Pawan Kalyan in his next movie under Trivikram ...Continue reading
'Hari Hara Veera Mallu' is going to be released in two parts. The Teaser for the first installment was released today by presenter AM Ratnam. Interestingly, the film has been credited to two direct...Continue reading
The much awaited film ‘Cameraman Gangatho Rambabu’ in the combination of power star Pawan Kalyan and dashing director Puri Jagannadh is all set to release on October 18th. This movie has milky b...Continue reading
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